Bheki Cele has revealed his plans to prioritise his family – including spending time with his younger wife, Thembeka Ngcobo – now that his tenure as Minister of Police has come to an end.
The 72-year-old is known for his controversial statements and his mandate enforced on South African police.
Speaking to the SABC, Bheki Cele confirmed that his time as Minister of Police was up.
He also claimed that he would now spend quality time with his family in his next chapter.
He said: “I have a home. As a human being, if there is a start, you would be mad not to think about the end. There is a start, and the end has arrived, if it has arrived. I left home to come and work. So if work is not there, I go home and reflect, see how you go forward”.
He continued: “Life has many streams and all that. You cannot be kicking the dust when the time has arrived, asking people and getting worried about it, as if you didn’t know that the time will come. Once it starts, it will have to end.
“I can just be grateful to the people of South Africa, in particular my organisation, ANC, that has given me the (opportunity). When I was in exile, when I was in prison, I never dreamt that I would be a minister one day. It has happened. Just be grateful, be gracious, be humble, go home, and keep quiet”.‘FAMILY TIME’: WHO IS MINISTER’S WIFE AND KIDS?
With much free time on his hands, Bheki Cele will likely focus on his wife, wife Thembeka Ngcobo, and their children.
According to the former minister, his family home is located in Durban.
The private couple—who have a 20-year age difference—married in 2010. Their lavish wedding, which took place on the KwaZulu-Natal coast, was attended by former president Jacob Zuma and businesswoman Shauwn Mkhize (then Mpisane), reported the Sowetan.