Congratulations!! PICS: Scandal actress Phakamile becomes one of the youngest house owners in South Africa. She buys herself a very big beautful mansion

South African actress Lerato Nxumalo is celebrating a major milestone, having recently purchased a beautiful house at the young age of 24. Known for her popular role as Phakamile on the hit show *etvScandal*, Lerato’s achievement is a testament to her hard work and dedication.Lerato’s journey to homeownership at such a young age has been inspiring. Her role on *etvScandal* has brought her into the limelight, where she has captivated audiences with her talent and charisma. Despite the challenges and demands of her acting career, Lerato has demonstrated that perseverance and determination can lead to significant accomplishments.Hard work pays,” Lerato shared, reflecting on her journey. Her story resonates with many young people, proving that with effort and commitment, dreams can indeed become reality.





The purchase of her new home is not just a personal achievement but also a symbol of her success and growth in the entertainment industry. It stands as a proud moment for Lerato and serves as an inspiration to her fans and aspiring young actors across South Africa.