Girls With Title Deeds: Scandal actress Lerato Nxumalo buys a new house at 24

Lerato is popularly known for her roles as intern Dr Luthuli on Durban Gen and Mpumi Cele on Lingashoni.

She shared with Daily Sun that buying her first house felt amazing as growing up, she had to share a bedroom.

“It feels liberating, especially because I am a young lady who grew up in KwaMashu in my granny’s house, where I shared a small bedroom with my mother and two sisters. So, I’ve always wanted to have my own space. Even when the odds were against me, I kept pushing and praying that God grants me this wish,” she said.


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Lerato added that she had to buy a house as she got tired of renting a place that she could not renovate or decorate.

“Also, the complex I was staying in was too big with a lot of people, and I was uncomfortable to even take a walk because of my anxiety. And, people just seeing where I live because they would guess on my TikTok comments made me uncomfortable and unsafe – almost like I had no privacy,” she said.

However, she admitted that she had challenges negotiating a good price and not understanding some things during her meetings with attorneys. But she encouraged people to go after their goals.

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“You have to see it; believe it and you’ll definitely achieve it. Save money; attorneys are expensive. Having a good budget and the discipline to live within your means is also important. But most importantly, please pray. God hears you and answers all prayers. There is so much I still want to achieve before 25. If I had to begin unpacking it, people would think I’m crazy. But I believe in God so much that I know all is possible,” she concluded.