Khanyi Mbau’s face reveal goes viral. Social media users have confused Khanyi Mbau’s appearance with that of the late Michael Jackson, who, like the socialite, was known for his love of plastic surgery and skin bleaching.
This week, the TV personality revealed she had undergone under the knife yet again.
She’s even given her followers a first look at her face.
In one of her latest Instagram posts, Khanyi Mbau was tagged by her plastic surgery after undergoing extensive work.
In the clip, a swollen and unrecognisable Khanyi shares an update on her post-surgery experience. This included utilising an oxygen chamber, which stimulates and treats inflammation, bruising, and scar repair.
Speaking to TimesLive, Khanyi Mbau claimed that her love of cosmetic surgery was not an obsession or an insecurity.
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She said: “I am a naturally confident person, so any procedure has never been about self-love and self-confidence. I cannot also attach self-love to any needle or procedure. Self-love is not something you apply. Self-love is love. One needs just to be and let live, and then love flows.”
She added: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. One’s beauty is not physical but a deep sense of self. Beauty is an unspoken truth through the physical. It is one’s choice to express in any way they want. Over the years, my expressions have changed as I mature. I see myself in different ways due to my exposure to different cultures, places, and experiences.
“Cosmetic surgery is an expression of freedom of self-expression.”
According to the Dubai clinic, the 38-year-old had the following workMeanwhile, social media users are comparing Khanyi Mbau’s face to the late pop singer Michael Jackson.
In a TikTok video, Khanyi revealed that she did not consider herself as “aging.”
However, the comments weren’t so kind.
“She is slowly turning into Michael Jackson,” posted one TikToker. “That’s Michelle Jackson,” added another.