Lebo Keswa Set to Launch ‘My Journey’ Podcast

Lebo Keswa is gearing up for the launch of her new podcast, **My Journey**, which is set to debut on **October 17, 2024**. This exciting new venture comes on the heels of her tumultuous split from her former partner, Letoya Makhene, who is also a well-known actress from *Generations*.

In the lead-up to the podcast’s release, Lebo has been active in various podcast interviews, sharing her experiences and shedding light on her struggles during her marriage to Makhene. She aims to address significant issues such as women’s empowerment, love, break-ups, and the often-overlooked reality of emotional and physical abuse in relationships.Reflecting on her marriage, Lebo candidly spoke about the scars women carry from abusive relationships. “I’ve noticed a lot of women are smiling with scars from the abuse they’re experiencing in their love relationships. I’ll be expressing myself as I was abused physically and emotionally in my marriage,” she stated. Her intention is clear: to amplify her voice and the voices of other women who have suffered in silence.



Lebo emphasized the importance of sharing her story, stating that what people know about her relationship with Letoya is only the tip of the iceberg. “Whatever people know about my marriage to Letoya isn’t enough. I’m going to speak up more,” she asserted. She also addressed the misinformation surrounding her breakup, pointing out that Letoya had tarnished her reputation with untruths. “I’m not going to entertain ‘crying wolf.’ She started this whole mess by tarnishing my name and not being truthful about what happened to our marriage,” Lebo explained.

The emotional fallout from their split has had tangible effects on Lebo’s life. She revealed that she has faced unemployment for nearly six months, losing out on three job opportunities due to the fallout from the relationship and the rumors that have circulated about her.

As the launch date for *My Journey* approaches, many are eager to hear more from Lebo. Her decision to open up about her experiences represents not just a personal catharsis but also a broader message of resilience and empowerment for women who may find themselves in similar situations. With a focus on honesty and healing, *My Journey* promises to be an impactful platform for conversation and change