Matric Learner Makes Dramatic Entrance at Dance by Arriving in an Ambulance

This year’s matriculants have been pushing the boundaries with their extravagant entrances to matric dances, coming up with unique and sometimes controversial ideas. From arriving in taxis to being wheeled in coffins, students are doing everything they can to stand out. One particular learner took it a step further by making her grand entrance in an ambulance, a choice that has sparked a lively debate online.


The video of the event, posted by TikTok user @andzani36ii, shows the learner dressed in a stunning gold and white ball gown. She was brought to the venue on a stretcher, accompanied by paramedics with sirens blaring, creating a scene that resembled a medical emergency. In a dramatic twist, a paramedic pretends to “resuscitate” her with a defibrillator before she sits up, revealing that she is in perfect health.

The spectacle, intended to be a humorous and original take on matric dance arrivals, quickly went viral, amassing over seven million views on TikTok. The reactions from viewers, however, have been mixed. While some found the entrance creative and entertaining, others questioned the appropriateness of using an ambulance for this purpose.

Comments under the viral post reflect the divided opinions. A user named maLwandlee expressed concern about the potential misuse of emergency services, writing, “While really sick people are waiting for an ambulance.” Another user, Neo Fantastic, remarked on the delayed response times for real emergencies, saying, “And it takes them 7 hours to get to the accident scene.” Similarly, RichInSkin commented, “Ma’am, people who are hurt need these resources,” highlighting the seriousness of diverting medical attention away from those in need.

Some commenters took a more lighthearted approach. “Best 2024 matric drop-off,” one viewer wrote, followed by laughing emojis. Another user pointed out the creativity behind the idea, while acknowledging the controversy it might stir.

The debate didn’t just revolve around the learner’s choice of entrance. Many viewers also questioned whether the ambulance used was privately hired or a state resource, which would raise additional ethical concerns. The distinction between private and public resources became a focal point of the discussion, with people criticizing the potential use of a public ambulance for a non-emergency event.

The phenomenon of elaborate matric dance entrances has become more prevalent in recent years, with learners going to great lengths to outshine their peers. It has sparked a broader conversation about the pressure on young people to perform and make a statement, even on occasions meant to celebrate their achievements.

While it’s clear that the learner intended to make her matric dance a memorable event, the choice of an ambulance for an entrance has highlighted a critical issue regarding the responsible use of emergency services. The incident has reminded the public of the essential role that ambulances and paramedics play in society and the need to prioritize genuine emergencies over personal displays.

The identity of the learner and the location of the event have not been disclosed, and it remains unclear whether any regulations were breached in using the ambulance for this purpose. Regardless, the video continues to circulate widely, sparking discussions about creativity, resource use, and the pressures of matric dance culture.