Noxolo Mathula, renowned for her captivating portrayal of Lilly on the popular South African drama series Uzalo, has recently shared insights into her entrepreneurial journey that has drawn both attention and skepticism.Despite her successful acting career, Mathula has ventured into the hot dog business, establishing her presence at various taxi ranks across South Africa. This unexpected turn has led to discussions about her financial choices and the realities of working in the entertainment industry.
As one of the most watched productions in South Africa, Uzalo generates curiosity about the compensation its stars receive. Viewers often question whether Mathula earns enough from her role to justify her foray into street food.
In response to the skepticism surrounding her hot dog business, she stated, “I’m often asked why I am on the streets selling hot dogs while I am a TV star. People don’t understand that times are tough. I’m not selling hot dogs on the streets for fun; it’s one of my side hustles.”
Mathula emphasizes that running this business does not diminish her earnings from her TV role. Instead, she believes it is crucial to understand her target market—those frequenting the streets. “We must stop looking down on each other and rather offer support,” she explained. “A single salary can never be enough, no matter how much it is.” Her approach reflects the reality many face in today’s economy, where relying solely on one source of income can be risky.
In her pursuit of financial stability, Noxolo Mathula actively engages with her hot dog business alongside her team. She sees it as a smart move that keeps her grounded and relevant in the industry. “People still watch me on their TV screens, making this a strategic venture,” she said, highlighting the connection between her celebrity status and her entrepreneurial efforts.
Interestingly, her fame has attracted customers who enjoy the novelty of buying from a TV star, often asking for selfies with her while purchasing hot dogs.
In addition to her street food venture, Mathula has recently secured a catering contract for another TV production related to Uzalo, though she has chosen not to disclose the project’s name. This further illustrates her commitment to diversifying her income streams while continuing to pursue opportunities within the entertainment sector.