RIP: She Was Supposed to Get Married Today, But Instead, She’s Being Buried – The Tr@gic Story of Hlengiwe Mthembu

where simply waking up to a new day is something to be thankful for. Tragically, more and more women are becoming victims of violence, especially within their relationships. Today, we share the heartbreaking story of Hlengiwe Mthembu, a woman whose life was taken just days before her wedding.

Hlengiwe was supposed to be married on September 24, 2022, a day that should have been filled with love and joy. Instead, it has become a day of mourning. On September 10, as part of her wedding preparations, she left her home early in the morning to have her nails done—a small but cherished ritual for any bride-to-be. However, she never returned home that day. Her family, desperate and devastated, chose to keep the news private initially, as her children were writing exams, and the information would have been too overwhelming for them.


Days passed without any sign of Hlengiwe, until a man working in a nearby field stumbled upon her abandoned car near some bushes. Alarmed, he notified the authorities, who arrived and began a search with the help of sniffer dogs. What they uncovered was nothing short of horrific. Hlengiwe’s body was found burned, with her hands and legs bound together. Her life had been taken in the most brutal way.

What makes this story even more tragic is that Hlengiwe’s family had been preparing for a wedding, but instead, they are now attending her funeral on the very day she was meant to walk down the aisle. The cruelty and senselessness of her murder have left the community shaken. Social media has been flooded with messages of sorrow, disbelief, and anger, with many struggling to comprehend how such a tragedy could occur.

As the investigation continues, there is growing suspicion that her death may have been the result of jealousy. Some believe that Hlengiwe may have been murdered by someone who did not want her to get married, possibly her husband’s ex-girlfriend. Although these suspicions remain unconfirmed, the possibility that such a heinous act was driven by jealousy is deeply disturbing.

One of the most heart-wrenching reactions came from the decorator responsible for Hlengiwe’s wedding. In a tearful message, she shared that she had been preparing to make the bride’s big day beautiful, only to now find herself attending her funeral. It is a stark reminder of how fragile life can be and how quickly moments of happiness can turn to sorrow.

Hlengiwe’s death leaves a void that can never be filled. As her loved ones seek justice, her story serves as a sobering reflection of the rising violence against women. May her soul rest in peace, and may her family find the strength to endure this devastating loss.