Sana Mchunu: At the age of 14, I became pregnant of my first child then 2nd born at 19

With her captivating acting skills, it’s hard to believe that Sana Mchunu (44), who is popularly known as Nomarashiya on Muvhango, had no ambitions of being in entertainment industry GROWING UP.


Sana, who was born into a poor family in Soweto, says she regrets most of the decisions she made while growing up. She admits that she never listened to her parents and as a result, she ended up having her first child at the age of 14.

“By the age of 19, I already had two children. My parents tried so hard to show me the right path, but I was young and naive,” she says.

After giving birth to her second child, her parents forced her to go back to school, but a few months later, she fell pregnant again. Sana says after her third child, her parents still forced her to go to school, but she refused because her younger sister was in a class ahead of her.

“I was ashamed of what people would say, so I never went back to school and never got my matric.”


She says when her parents passed away, she and her sister had no one to support them.

“At that point, I already had four children. The only option was to live with the father of my youngest child. I fell pregnant again with my fifth child, but he started abusing me physically and emotionally. He told me that I would never amount to anything in life and that I had nothing to live for.

I cried all the time. I left my children with him and went back home because I didn’t want them to suffer because of me. I told them that I was going to look for a job and that they must stay with their father.” Today, she is happily married with seven children.