Soft life… Sakhile and Petu dollars having breakfast in bed #smokeandmirrors

Friday 2 August 2024
Episode 80

Jaxon finds himself at Caesar’s mercy, pleading for a monumental R20-million bailout. Amidst the swirling emotions of a blossoming romance, Lillian seeks the truth behind Sakhile’s intentions with Petunia.

Monday 5 August 2024
Episode 81

Jaxon thinks he has one up on Caesar who has bailed him out financially while he has hidden money belonging to Caesar.

Tuesday 6 August 2024
Episode 82

After Thandiswa reveals to Caesar her suspicions over Jaxon’s Paris holiday, she decides to do some digging on his accountant, Thulani.

Wednesday 7 August 2024
Episode 83

Thulani tells Thandiswa that Jaxon stole the money and has hidden it in his hotel suite. She and Caesar realise they could use this to destroy Jaxon’s political career.

Thursday 8 August 2024
Episode 84

Thandiswa asks Castro to steal a copy of Jaxon’s hotel key. Caesar visits Jaxon to hand in his tender documents and Jaxon makes the misguided assumption that Caesar needs him, which is why he loaned him money.

Friday 9 August 2024
Episode 85

Thandiswa sneaks into Jaxon’s suite, doesn’t find money in the couch, as predicted. Her alarm bells go off when Mpendulo mentions couches have been from Jaxon and Martha’s suites.

Monday 12 August 2024
Episode 86

Thandiswa hires Castro to track down Jaxon’s sofas. Martha makes an offer to buy the salon from Leroy. Thandiswa’s heartbroken when she finds out that Leroy plans to leave town.

Tuesday 13 August 2024
Episode 87

Thandiswa contemplates taking control over the salon while Martha eyes it as the perfect front for her money laundering scheme.

Wednesday 14 August 2024
Episode 88

Thandiswa’s plan to retrieve the municipal stolen money is in play with Thandiswa sure that Martha will lead her to it.

Thursday 15 August 2024
Episode 89

Caesar and Thandiswa revel in their initial success against Jaxon, who is secretly devising a counterattack.

Friday 16 August 2024
Episode 90

Thandiswa is determined to find Jaxon’s cash store, in spite of Martha pulling out of the deal to buy her share in the salon.

Monday 19 August 2024
Episode 91

Martha tells Jaxon she pulled out of buying the salon, but Jaxon makes her realise it was a mistake as they still need a way of laundering the money.

Tuesday 20 August 2024
Episode 92

Thandiswa discovers where Martha has hidden the stolen money and alerts the police. Martha turns the depot guys away when they come looking for jobs.

Wednesday 21 August 2024
Episode 93

With Phakathi on their trail, Jaxon and Martha are forced to burn the money. When Phakathi can’t make it, the date night becomes a party of three, but surprisingly Azania is left feeling like the third wheel.

Thursday 22 August 2024
Episode 94

Thandiswa fears Caesar’s next move after their plot fails. Martha’s revelation about manipulating their financial downfall stirs the pot.

Friday 23 August 2024
Episode 95

Phakathi uncovers a perplexing connection between the burning sofas discovered in the veld and those in the suites of the Royale Hotel.