TV star Vovo turned away from police station, told to go look for phone suspect on her own. Short n Sweet star Vuyokazi Nguqu alleges that cops instructed her to go and look for the suspect who stole her cellphone on her own.
TV star Vovo turned away from police station, told to go look for phone suspect on her own
Affectionately known as Vovo, she said she couldn’t believe her ears when the police told her to do their job.
Askies mama, what happened?
She claimed she lost her cellphone when she was with her friends and her boyfriend in her house in Kleinvlei, Cape Town, on Saturday, 6 July 2024. She then decided to go to Kleinvlei Police Station to report the matter and open a case.
“I told the police there were people in my house. I told them I went out and left my cellphone behind. When I came back, it wasn’t there. It was stolen. So, I wanted the police to question everyone who was in the house, recover my phone, and maybe make an arrest.
“But the police told me to go and look for the person who stole my phone myself. They further told me to call them if I found the suspect. I was so shocked. How can I look for a suspect when I’m not a cop? The police asked me to do something that was supposed to be done by them. That was shocking for me,” Vovo claimed.