Zaza and Jackie didn’t know Javas is a cop. 🤣 #etvScandal

Monday 15 July 2024
Tlhogi’s happy news causes a stir. Javas’ financial struggles lead to harsh insults. Tebello redefines “dressed to impress.”


Tuesday 16 July 2024
Taps makes outrageous demands. Zaza and Jackie find a new target. Tebello is introduced to an exciting new world.
Wednesday 17 July 2024
Tlhogi reveals a bombshell about Taps’ past. A night of indulgence takes a shocking turn, and Jackie and Zaza resort to desperate measures.
Thursday 18 July 2024
The police arrive, bringing hard times for the party girls. Family bonds strengthen amid confusion. Tebello’s triumphant moment is cut short.
Friday 19 July 2024
Mdala is triggered into making a drastic decision. A revelation sinks Jackie and Zaza deeper into trouble. Tebello spins a web of lies to his friends and family.